Supporting Postpartum With Acupuncture
Postpartum is a delicate time when every mother deserves good care. I do home visits to women a week after birth, offering a treatment called “Mother Warming” that warms and supports the lower abdomen in its healing, and gives strength to the woman in an exhausting time.
Additionally, acupuncture and Chinese medicine can support the following:
- Breastfeeding problems such as insufficient milk and mastitis
- Postsurgical pain or c-section scar healing
- Persistent uterine bleeding
- Pelvic and other musculoskeletal pain
- Urinary retention or urinary incontinence
- Anxiety and/or depression
- Swelling (edema)
- General recovery including regaining energy, normalizing digestion and emotional support
- Hair-loss
- Postnatal depression
Herbs and correct nutrition can offer strong support in this time of recovery and I give women advice on how best to eat. An ancient Chinese text writes “treat the mother to treat the child”. When a mother is well cared for by herself and others, the child is also healthier. And so I strive to give women the best care they can get, and educate them on how best to care for themselves.