How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture is a safe, effective and relaxing treatment for a variety of health conditions. While working to decrease your symptoms, acupuncture also produces a feeling of well-being and deep relaxation by releasing endorphins and regulating the autonomic nervous system.
Fine needles are inserted along acupuncture channels – these are channels within our body that work to stimulate certain areas and balance different substances. Acupuncture gives signals to the body to balance hormones, promote tissue rejuvenation, and stimulate blood circulation.
Conditions Treated
In my clinic, I use acupuncture to treat patients for a wide variety for situations, such as:
- Irregular or long menstrual cycle, for example due to PCOS
- Period pain
- Increasing fertility by increasing blood flow to the ovaries or improving the condition of the endometrial lining of the uterus
- Support during fertility treatment, for example by improving egg quality and preparing the endometrium for implantation
- Supporting women after miscarriage and stillbirth
- Pregnancy-related conditions
- Postpartum conditions
- Menopause-related symptoms
- Digestive system conditions
- Strengthening and supporting emotions